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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

1:57 What a start

6:01 Why is she talking like that..? Like there is no need to breath so much


21:14 Dang he barely waited a second to just barge in like give the guy a second to get up
21:17 What if he's in the bathroom or something!! Like relax

LesK • 2 years ago

Genta is a 'man of culture' already, ;9 hentai observation ;9 mmhm mhm nod nod. knowledge in any form is a good thing! ;> start early young man, you'll learn greater amounts in a shorter period of time that way.

damn, that took me a minute. kotobank . jp / word / ペンション-170325

ペンション pension. damn, i KNEW i'd heard that word before. it is a cheap western style inn with two meals a day. owned by a family and operated full-time providing rooms and meals all year long. this is not a part-time or side business. they were popularized in Japan during the 1970's. anyways, if you're curious... and your web-browser has a strong Japanese to English translator... read that article i linked. :) as you can tell, the site is a dot JP domain. so it's the Japanese version of the dot COM domain.

the word is romanji Japanese using katakana instead of kanji to represent the English pension. that word is of course from the French pencion or some sort of spelling like that. in the old old days retired n elderly folks in France who had larger houses (empty nesters we would call them today) would rent-lease-sell their spare rooms to people to increase the owners' income. sometimes a meal or two a day was included in the rent.

6:01 hmm? oh, the pretty young lady? she's drunk. didn't you notice the half empty liquor bottle in her right hand and the flushed face?

Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago

I know she was drunk, I think she still sounded all breathy even after that tho

Me at the start: w h a t.

Oh wow it's so nice when the older episodes get mentioned

strange guy • 1 year ago

Yeah I know

Sekai • 2 years ago

Ayumi-chan holding a skull wasn't traumatized, but i'd be if it was me

strange guy • 1 year ago

Probably because she’s seen worst after the stuff she’s been it but she’s usually scared easily

IExistMe Official • 1 year ago

I mean it was just a skull. An object is not really scary. She seen even worse stuff before.

Trepanning • 9 months ago

Mitsuhiko trying his luck with both girls.

christian engesæt • 9 months ago

yeah he is super horny for his age i am sure i did not act like that when i was a kid i was playing around and had fun outside not a girl in mind at all did not even care about them before much later on so this show is made by a PEdo but all male in asia is Pedo so...

bari • 2 years ago

so someone already knew he was the killer so he decided to kill him too for revenge

christian engesæt • 9 months ago

more fat fuck genta

Satilinethejay • 9 months ago

1:57, lmao what? 11:03, oh no. That innkeeper is really suspicous. 19:27, did this guy figure it out? I hope he doesn't end up dead cause he confronted someone. 20:09, lol that pause. 20:51, they both look so suspicous.

strange guy • 1 year ago

Watching this episode cause it apparently came days later after the original fullmental alchemist anime ended in October 2,2004

TryingToSolveConanCases • 1 year ago

It's been a while, so I don't think I'll get into this case as much, but it's a nice start ig.

Eaikki • 1 year ago

The core of art is phynominal.
I read the last chapter yesterday.